[Interview] Exclusive interview with Nomis Gee

Hello readers, viewers around the world, you are all welcome back to our online weekly interview, and our guest for today is no one but a superstar, Arewa Hip-hop ambassador, the king of Hausa Hip-hop popularly known as Nomis Gee.

Bornocelebrities: Sir, we are glad to have you here.

Nomis Gee:  thank you, is a great honour to be here!

Bornocelebrities: I'll like to start by knowing your real name and stage name please.

Nomis Gee: My name is Amin Abba Umar popularly known As Nomis Gee.

Bornocelebrities: you are popularly known especially in the northern part of Nigeria

Nomis Gee: Yeah exactly, and I'm also  known worldwide, I'm known in countries like USA, Germany, Niger, chad, Cameron and a lots more.

Bornocelebrities: You are indeed popular. Now tell us, what do you exactly do? And how do you intend to use what you do to inspire young ones and youth in general?

Nomis Gee: OK let me just start from the beginning, let me tell you the history of what i do. I graduated from Bayaro University Kano and i read mass communication. We started Hausa Hip-hop when there was no body doing it,  you understand? latter i did some research I discovered we  don't have any platform to promote our music or whatsoever. I've been working with African Magic Hausa, i only based on Hausa Hip-hop zone for about two years, before Arewa 24  came on bored. Now I've been working with them for about five years.

Bornocelebrities: wow indeed you went through and archived a lot. Now quickly, apart from Arewa 24 and anchoring, what else do you do apart from this two?

Nomis Gee: I'm a performing artist and you know not only working in TV programs,  I'm also a promoter. I do promote artists, I'm also video director, and also a media consultant.

Bornocelebrities: Great! Your are really gifted with a lots of talents and that's good because you are using it to help people. So let me quickly ask another question, when you first came on board with this idea of Hausa Hip-hop zone and the rest, how was the music industry in the northern part of the country as of that time?

Nomis Gee: You see' the music industry in the northern part of the country has no stand before, there was nothing, no body was really doing anything. I've worked with some of the experienced people which now are elders in entertainment. Then i understood that there is really no any platform, this is when i started working to build a platform which is going to promote artist. After the platform started, I've been moving from one state to another you know, to search for talent. When I started top ten, there were no musical videos. I've been searching from one state and local governments to another, just for me to meet artists with videos to promote but there was no video, I was managing, if they don't have, sometimes I have to be the one to shoot the video for them just to promote and package them. But look how it is now, look at our current score, we are actually doing good now.

Borno Celebrities: Indeed northern music is making waves now. So just like you mentioned promotion, how accessible or how can one be promoted your show on  Arewa 24? Or perhaps do you have any other private way of promoting artist or just through Arewa 24.

Nomis Gee: yeah, you know for someone to be on our program, we have a standard. Do you understand me? so if your video reached our standard, you are gonna be on the top 10. If the video didn't really reach our standard, is not going to be on our program. You know they are not really paying me anything, I'm just doing it voluntarily to help the up coming  artists basically in North. Now every where you will hear the name Nomis Gee, in every angles, Nomis Gee trying to change the society, Nomis Gee trying to change hip-hop artist, and that's why people keep talking positive about me because what I'm doing is a very good thing.

Bornocelebrities: You are actually doing a good thing. I watch you on H Hip-hop and arewa 24 zafafa goma, We made research about you and many people were given us very positive comments on your empowerment, your help to the young people and this is really what motivated me to interview you on our weekly interviews. So if i get you right, once your video is up to standard, one can contact you and give you their videos for you to verify and put it on your show?

Nomis Gee: Normally i do say it If you have a video, you tag me on Instagram @ Nomisgee with one minute video clip, and if the video is a very good and reached our standard, we will put it into consideration. Then secondly, some one can tag me on YouTube play links. I have a department not only me working, we are about ten "10" in the department, who are checking the videos. Mostly I am the one that is even researching online for the videos, you understand? I'll even contacted some of them surprisingly and said this is Nomis Gee, they will be wondering Nomis Gee really called me? That is how i do my work and so in our program, We have created another segment called  H Hip-hop for does artist that have a low quality video just to promote them once a week but not in top 10. The only issue we are having in northern part of the country is that we don't have digital promoters who can spend money on artists, and some other musical TV stations like sound city, hiptv and so on don't want to promote northern artist, and if they must promote you, you are going to spend a lot.

Bornocelebrities: very nice Nomis Gee, Now viewers and reading wouldl like to know how you see the northern music in the next few years to come.

Nomis Gee: Yeah let me assure you that in next two to three years, Northern music is going to blow up. Let me tell you because you based in the north, but in my own case, i used to travel from one country to another, I think I've promoted three artists that are now big artist in Niger, they are rapingin Hausa, if you go to Ghana, a lots of artists are rapping in Hausa, do you understand? when you also go to Chad many artists are doing the same thing. That is to tell you that in few years to come, our music industry is going to be just like the other international industry.

Bornocelebrities: This is very nice, is indeed a good encouragement for our home base artists, because is really inspirational. So now,  the next question is that, for an upcoming artist who is looking for a very good video, do you shoot and direct music videos?

Nomis Gee: Yeah and the artist have to be very tight, and the producers of the audio file have to be professional. When the audio is recorded with a high quality, and the video is nicely shot, it gives more sense.

Bornocelebrities: Ok, so when it comes to that, do you have a certain fixed rate for shooting a particular video or it depends on what the person want?

Nomis Gee: yeah it depends on what the person want and again it depends on the songs, because you have to make the song dope. And knowing what do you want and what you want to archive. Normal rate for a standard video, i cannot suffer myself if you can't spend money, not less than three hundred thousand  naira 300k for a very good standard video that can be aired.

Bornocelebrities: OK , yourself you are a Rapper, I've seen many of your videos, like the one you shot in Saudi Arabia, and i also have lots of your songs like 'two fingers' which is my favorite, I really love that music. There are good artist like Dj Ab, Classiq, BOC, and many more, and these ones, and you are the people encouraging the youths, so what advice would you give upcoming artist who are still struggling?

Nomis Gee: my advice to the upcoming artist, I  said it and I'll keep saying it, see, don't say you will be releasing music each and every time, just make sure you record a good quality song with a good producer which is to direct and help you, after that,  try and spend money to shoot a standard video, even if is only one song, is going to take you places, but some upcoming artist in a very short time you be hearing them saying they will release new song every time and that is not the best idea.

Bornocelebties: Thank you a lot sir for the words of encouragement, I hope that any artist reading this will take a serious note on these issues.

Nomis Gee: Really I'm honored for having me as well, I really enjoyed sharing experience and encouraging our youths. Thank you Bornocelebties for having me.

Bornocelebties:  Thank you too sir!

Now viewers/readers, we have come to the end of today's program, we sincerely appreciate our guest for today for his time, and everything. We really enjoyed having time with him on our program. We also thank you for you viewers, thank you for reading all through, we promise to bring you another interesting super star on our next edition. Thank you all, have a nice day!

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